Thursday, September 16, 2010

i was once here...

it didn't seem like it was all that long ago, until one strains the memory. Was it 1993 or 1994. I know it was just after Christmas, but just before New Year's day.

Regardless, it was along time ago and much has changed since my last sojourn through this lovely city. The airport now has this massive shopping mall attached to it, my passport was stamped in this time, and the train ride took an eternity whilst the last time it happened in a flash of a moment.

Is this just old age memory, thinking of things the way you want to remember them, not how they actually occured or was it really true that Hannibal crossed the Alps on elephants. If you answered yes to both of these questions then you really should find another more productive way of spending your time.

One thing that hasn't changed is the inordinate number of huge construction cranes dotting this rich landscape. Zurich a city of constant change and rehab.

Tomorrow we walk the city and see the sites, but that will happen when it does. Right now, I listen to Wagner and Strauss contemplating all that occured over these past many hours of both air and water travel. I really look forward to doing the tourist thing as this trip has been planned for so long it would almost be a waste not to see all there is to see that I want to see, that I planned to see, that I anticipated on seeing when in fact I did see it because I knew that at some point I would see it so in my minds eye I was in fact there to see it when in fact I was somewhere else and not really seeing it unless of course one considers that in one's minds eye you really do see that which you are not looking at.

I return now to my sleep position, which I did, already today, find a couple of times. Naps are such a wonderful thing - the person who invented them should be given the Peace prize.

So this is Swiss-It wishing all who are confused by this missive not to be. it is just the ramblings of one who looks to doing some serious rambling on tomorrow. Good night!

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