Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Venice Sparkles

It is a beautiful day; the sun is sparkling. Philip has the day planned – more walking, but at a leisurely pace and no getting lost. We'll go get our train tickets to Portuguaro & let Mikki know which train to meet. Then we're heading to Murano for some shopping, coffees and good food. Returning, we'll stop to get train reservations from Portuguaro to Zurich; return to the room, rest and then decide what to do with the rest of the late afternoon/evening. Sounds like a plan to me.
Meeting Laurrie & jim for breakfast, such as it is, they're heading to St Marks.
Murano is lovely & uncrowded, pefect. We make a couple of stops for coffee & spritzs before settling on lunch at a place where I remembered locals frequented. I had cod and polenta – which may not sound so good – but it was.
I'm looking forward to the time when Laurrie and Jim have full access to this blog as they are the writers & wordsmiths of this group. Not me. After all the months of planning our journey is at an end. Tomorrow, they head back to Zurich & home. We go to Summago/Portuguaro to visit my cousin for a few days before returning to Zurich and home.

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